My Neovim Plugins
List of my plugins for the neovim text editor. ...
List of my plugins for the neovim text editor. ...
List of my modules for the Hugo static site generator. ...
These projects are still in early, exploratory phases. They may not be ready for use by other people. ...
These projects are not actively developed anymore but are listed here for reference. ...
cljoly/hmrc2ledger Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. It may be outdated or wrong, do your own research. Convert CSV to ledger price db, to compute foreign transaction CGT (and section 104 holdings). Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
cljoly/ledger.ctags If you are using Ledger or one of its variants for your plain text accounting, you get to manage your finances a bit more like you manage code. With plain text files, in your favorite editor. And yet, as opposed to code in most languages, you don’t have a Language Server Protocol implementation. So it’s a bit harder to get completions on accounts, tags, payees… You have to rely on bespoken support from your editor and that’s often imperfect or slow....
cljoly/readme-in-static-site This fast script allows you to insert your GitHub README in your static site and apply transformations. For instance, you can read this README on GitHub and on my website. Why? The GitHub README of your repo needs to efficiently describe your project to GitHub’s visitor. But featuring your project on your website allows you to (among other things): have more control on the theme and layout, insert scripts that GitHub would prohibit (like asciinema), have your project’s homepage independent of your hosting platform, if you wish to change at some point....
Talks I gave and papers I wrote
Thanks for considering contributing! My projects all follow the guidelines outlined in this document. TL;DR If you just want to fix a typo or another very small thing, just create a PR. Documentation As the author of a tool or library, we are blind to many of the problems that users may encounter. As an external person, you have the power to spot this! Feel free to open an issue or to send a PR with proposed changes to the documentation....
Our Pledge We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community....
Guidelines to report a security issue