These projects are still in early, exploratory phases. They may not be ready for use by other people.
Miniflux Gemini
Expose your Miniflux instance to Gemini
Into Ledger
🔮 AI-powered expenses classifier for ledger. The original project seems not to be maintained anymore, hence this fork to continue improving it.
Pico Heater
Heating control with a raspberry pi pico
Onedark Fast Nvim
Port of onedark to fennel, so that we generate fast Lua code.
Copyright Header
Check all copyright headers in your project. For use with any licenses: GPL, MPL, Apache, MIT
Go Sqlite Migration
Demo of golang Migrations with SQLite, using user_version
Planckez CLI
Work in progress Trying to create a heatmap command-line daemon
Put HMRC rates in a ledger database
Pure Sixel
Pure Rust sixel encoder
Telegram Tee
💬 Simple cli tool to create telegram bot behaving like tee
Ledger Lint Duplicate
Small go utility to find transactions that may be duplicated in a ledger file.