Detail-oriented and self-motivated Software Engineer based in London.
Proficient in particular in Rust and Python.
Apr. 2024 - Now Software Engineer, Rothesay, London: StratOS team
- Responsibilities: improve tooling for quants designing models and migrate systems away from Goldman Sachs proprietary systems
- Multiple improvements to drive down the CI build time and improve the success rate
- Wrote scripts to pin down external package versions in Conda environments
- Engineering support for end of day risk calculation
✓ Python, Conda, Rust, AWS, SecDB
Jun. 2022 - Feb. 2024 Software Engineer L4, Paxos, London: Brokerage team
- Responsibilities: design and delivery of a smart order routing system from the ground up, adapting to the quickly evolving requirements of crypto markets
- Designed the smart order router in a team of three using a microservice-based architecture
- Wrote a connector service to internal and external market-places for order execution
- Drove performance improvements by:
- Load-testing a production-like system while analyzing metrics and resource usage of the key components
- Using results to tune SQL indices, RabbitMQ parameters and calls to accounting services developed by other teams
- Lead cross-team initiatives to spread Rust knowledge and best practices — in particular to catch logical errors at compile time by leveraging the type system
- Engineering support for customer-facing trading-systems, from REST & FIX APIs to the order-matching engine
✓ Rust, Go, Python, AWS, Postgres, Microservices, Protocol Buffer, RabbitMQ
Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2022 Software Engineer, Cloudflare, London: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection team
- Responsibilities: maintain and improve automated mitigation systems against DoS attacks, answer customer queries
- Redesigned with a colleague the data pipeline to display network analytics to customers. It involved mainly data extraction using eBPF, efficient and performant storage in ClickHouse and a public facing GraphQL API
- Extended and automated data extraction for public reports like “Network-layer DDoS attack trends for Q4 2020”
- Optimized directly-written eBPF assembly, C code, ClickHouse tables and materialized views
- Troubleshooted, fixed bugs and extended the Gatebot Python codebase
- Co-authored the blog post “How we built Network Analytics v2”
✓ C, eBPF, XDP, Rust, Go, Python, Docker, TCP, UDP, dos attacks, ClickHouse, GraphQL
Talks & Papers
Aug. 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference 2020 (talk & paper): Evaluation of Tail Call Costs in eBPF
Aug. 2020 Master Thesis: Impact of Indirect Calls within eBPF and Changes to Reduce this Impact
Aug. 2019 NOMS 2020 Conference (co-author): The Rise of eBPF for Non-Intrusive Performance Monitoring
2017 - 2020 Télécom Nancy, Nancy, France: Masters of Science in Computer Science
Focused on software engineering and project management
2015 - 2017 Lycée A. Fournier, Bourges, France: two-year course equiv. to a BSc in Mathematics and Physics
Preparation for the highly competitive nationwide entrance exams for French Grandes Écoles
School Projects2018 - 2019
Full compiler: Tiger language (team of 4 people, 6 months)
- Wrote a grammar for the language with ANTLR, constructed the abstract syntax tree (AST)
- Did semantic analysis on the AST, generated assembly code (function, loops, conditional branches)
Java, ANTLR, formal language theory
Personal Software Projects
2019 - 2024
Rusqlite Migration: database schema migration library for rusqlite, written with performance in mind
- Reviewed contributions, feature requests and bug reports. Respected semantic versioning strictly
- Used in the NordVPN Linux client, Tabby (self-hosted AI coding assistant)…
Rust (noteworthy package used: lazy_static, rusqlite), SQLite
2019 - 2024
Plugins for the neovim text editor: hundreds of daily users (based on GitHub clones and stars)
Lua, Fennel (a Lisp dialect), VimScript, neovim APIs
2014 - Now
Misc. Open-Source Contributions: please visit my website at for a full list
2018 - 2019 Full compiler: Tiger language (team of 4 people, 6 months)
- Wrote a grammar for the language with ANTLR, constructed the abstract syntax tree (AST)
- Did semantic analysis on the AST, generated assembly code (function, loops, conditional branches)
✓ Java, ANTLR, formal language theory
2019 - 2024 Rusqlite Migration: database schema migration library for rusqlite, written with performance in mind
- Reviewed contributions, feature requests and bug reports. Respected semantic versioning strictly
- Used in the NordVPN Linux client, Tabby (self-hosted AI coding assistant)…
✓ Rust (noteworthy package used: lazy_static, rusqlite), SQLite
2019 - 2024 Plugins for the neovim text editor: hundreds of daily users (based on GitHub clones and stars)
✓ Lua, Fennel (a Lisp dialect), VimScript, neovim APIs