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Hi, it’s Clément! 👋
As a software engineer at Rothesay in London, I’m building fast tools in Python and Rust to make other developers more productive. Before that, at Paxos, I was building a smart order router for crypto markets in Rust. Before that, I was part of the DDoS protection team at Cloudflare, using technologies like eBPF or Rust. I presented some of my work at the Linux Plumbers Conference 2020. Previously, I worked on non-intrusive performance analysis at the SnT, a lab part of the University of Luxembourg. More on my CV.
In my spare time, I enjoy writing and contributing to open-source programs. I also blog mainly about performance and tools I use (like NeoVim, Hugo or SQLite). Some of my writing made it to the front page of HackerNews or Lobsters, sparking fruitful discussions in the comments. See the blog roll for my curated selection of blogs.
Selected Software Projects
Rusqlite Migration
↕️ Simple database schema migration library for rusqlite, written with performance in mind.
Readme in Static Site
💎 Transform and insert your GitHub readme in your static site.
Gohugo Asciinema
⏯️ Insert the Asciinema Player in your Hugo site with ease.
On the Blog
Cargo Info in Neovim, or How Simple Features Go a Long Way
TL;DR Open cargo info in Vim or neovim for the package under the cursor using these 4 lines of Lua. Cargo info Rust 1.82 was released a couple of days ago. It’s packed with improvements, but one in particular caught my eye. Cargo now has a info sub-command. It displays details about a package in the registry from the comfort of your terminal. Here is an example: $ cargo info lazy_static lazy_static #macro #lazy #static A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust. version: 1.5.0 license: MIT OR Apache-2.0 rust-version: unknown documentation: https://docs.rs/lazy_static repository: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/lazy-static.rs crates.io: https://crates.io/crates/lazy_static/1.5.0 features: spin = [dep:spin] spin_no_std = [spin] note: to see how you depend on lazy_static, run `cargo tree --invert --package [email protected]` Vim and neovim generally composes well with other terminal tools. So how can we easily integrate cargo info and neovim? ...
Link Aggregator Infrastructure
A look at the surprisingly simple infrastructure of link aggregators like HackerNews or Lobste.rs.
New Asciinema Hugo Module Versions
I’ve just added the last 8 versions of the Asciinema player to gohugo-asciinema, my Hugo module to easily integrate the Asciinema player to your website. Lots of exciting new features, like improved decoding and rendering efficiency as well as some support for streaming asciicasts. See the changelog links below for details of the changes. There were no changes made to the Hugo module itself, besides copying the JS & CSS from the Asciinema player. ...